Your Infants Skin Rash: Is It An Emergency?
If your infant keeps getting a concerning rash and you aren't sure how to treat it or what it is, you want to get into the pediatrician right away. The pediatrician will let you know if your infant has a severe condition that you need to fear and that needs emergency medical care, or if the problem is something that can be treated with time and over the counter or at-home remedies. Here are a few of the basic problems you could be dealing with if your infant has a rash.
The flaky skin and rash that your infant has on their skin could be eczema. This is a condition that commonly affects between 10–20 percent of infants, and your pediatrician may prescribe a special type of cream for the condition. Limiting baths and controlling skin moisture will also be helpful when dealing with the eczema if that's the problem. This can be a greater problem as they get older and may need constant treatment or treatment by a dermatology specialist.
Urticaria, also known as hives, is a problem that you want to address immediately. If your child has Urticaria they are having an allergic reaction to something that they are ingesting or coming in contact with, and you want to get the problem treated before it goes beyond a rash. After the hives the infant could start having respiratory problems or other allergic complications.
If your child is running a fever and has other symptoms that make you suspect they aren't feeling well, they could have some type of infection that is causing the urticaria. A sick infant is an emergency and if your child does have an infection, they'll need to take antibiotics prescribed by the pediatrician to get the infection out of their system. You want to get treatment before the infection becomes so severe your infant can't treat it.
It can be hard to tell if the rash your infant has is something that was caused by a scratchy blanket or clothes detergent that doesn't go well with their skin, or if they are ill and need to be seen by a medical professional like right away. Write down all the symptoms that they are dealing with and then contact your local pediatrician's office to see if they think you should come in, or if the problem can wait until your next appointment.