Four Ways To Feel More Comfortable At The Gynecologist
It can be nervewracking to head to the gynecologist, particularly if you are in your late teens and have just started seeing this kind of doctor regularly. Luckily, with the help of the tips that follow, you can feel more at ease when you visit your gynecologist.
See a Solo Practitioner
In order to be able to truly trust a gynecologist with your personal information, you may want to seek out a solo practitioner. Many gynecologists work in small group practices, but searching out a doctor that has their own practice may be beneficial for you. You can build a rapport with them over time so that you can trust the information they give you and you feel secure about sharing things with them.
Be Forthcoming About What's Happening in Your Life
Once you're able to find a doctor you feel good about, it is vital that you are as forthcoming with information as you can possibly be. You may not want to admit to having unprotected sex, for example, but admitting this to your gynecologist can lead to tests for sexually transmitted diseases and conditions that can be treated right away. If you aren't completely honest, you'll be even more uncomfortable as the appointment wears on, as you may have questions but your pride holds you back. Take a deep breath and give your gynecologist all of the information you have so that they can help you best care for yourself.
Remember to Breathe Deeply
While you might not be able to go into a full meditative state during your gynecologist visit, it's important that you remember to take deep breaths and relax. Lower your shoulders as well. Deep breathing can relax you and help you avoid negative feelings during your doctor visit.
Learn as Much as You Can About Your Own Body
One of the reasons you might feel nervous about your visit is that you aren't quite sure what the doctor is talking about or what they are looking for during an examination. In between visits, it is smart to learn what you can about different body parts and what is happening during a pelvic exam, for instance. Of course, you can ask your doctor any questions that come to mind during the examination. Ask what equipment they are using; ask how long each test will take.
With all the information laid out here, you should soon start to feel better about your trips to the gynecologist. Find out if your doctor has more suggestions that may be able to help you.