Three Things To Know About Tipping Your Massage Therapist
By the time you lift yourself off the table at the end of your massage therapy appointment, you'll often feel highly relaxed and could even feel sleepy. It's important in this moment to avoid being groggy enough that you forget to tip your massage therapist if you made a plan to do so. Whether you're new to visiting a massage therapist or you simply haven't tipped in the past, you might feel a little unsure about the approach to take – after all, tipping after a massage isn't as common as tipping when you're at a restaurant. There's no need to be uncertain – here are three things to keep in mind about tipping your massage therapist.
It's Good To Check The Clinic's Policy First
Depending on the setting in which you receive your massage, tipping can either be gratefully accepted or an etiquette no-no. Because of the wide range of policies concerning tipping in the world of massage therapy, it's beneficial to call the clinic or wellness center in advance of your appointment to ask about the tipping policy. Doing so will save you the potential embarrassment of offering a tip to a therapist who cannot accept it. Generally, tipping is acceptable in spa-like settings or when you visit a therapist who works out of his or her home. Tipping is less common is the massage therapist works in a medical center with other health professionals.
There's A General Guideline To Remember
Provided you learn that tipping is permitted, you can plan to give between 15 and 20 percent of the cost of the treatment. This range means you can evaluate some factors that influence exactly how much you wish to give the therapist. Things that can prompt you to tip on the more generous end of the range include the therapist being punctual, making you feel comfortable, providing a serene environment and, of course, giving you a caring, professional treatment that addresses your needs.
Give Your Tip In Cash
Regardless of the method by which you'll be paying for the treatment, it's best to tip in cash. This is also the simplest method – if you're paying with a bank card, many machines won't have a tipping option as is common at restaurants. When you've decided how much you wish to give, have the cash handy at the conclusion of your appointment. You can either hand it to the therapist before you leave the treatment room along with a verbal expression of thanks or leave it on the therapist's desk when he or she has left the room while you get dressed.