Rehabilitation Services Can Help You If A Stroke Left You With Aphasia
After having a stroke, one of the issues you might be struggling with is your speech. Strokes tend to cause damage in the brain, and this damage often leads to a condition known as aphasia. This condition makes it hard for a person to speak normally, and it can also make it hard for a person to understand speech from others. There are a variety of rehabilitation services you could look into if you have this problem, including speech pathology.
What causes aphasia?
Aphasia is something that is always the result of brain damage. It does not only occur in stroke victims, but it can also affect people that suffered brain trauma from accidents or other major health problems. There are different types of aphasia, and each affects a person in different ways. The variations in aphasia are a result of the amount and location of the brain damage.
Why is speech pathology used to treat this?
Speech pathology is a field of medicine designed to help people speak and communicate better. The goal is to improve the way a person speaks and comprehends, and each case is treated uniquely. Speech pathologists are trained to work with people that have aphasia from a stroke, and this could help you learn to speak properly once again.
When you seek help from a speech pathologist, he or she will begin by evaluating the severity of your disorder. This will help the pathologist determine a treatment plan for you. Throughout the plan, the pathologist will measure your progress to determine how well it is working.
What methods do speech pathologists use for treating this?
There are numerous methods used for treating aphasia, but the methods your pathologist will use will depend on the severity of your condition. One type of treatment option used in some situations is called melodic intonation therapy (MIT). This method helps people speak more clearly through singing. Some people are able to sing words in a way that sounds clearer than speaking the words.
There are a number of other treatment options as well, but most speech pathologists will also recommend working on speech at home. This is often completed through phone apps, computer games, or listening devices. These tools can help people practice speaking, and practicing will often help a person learn to speak better once again.
If you are struggling with your speech or communication with other people after having a stroke, you should talk to your doctor about the options you have with physical rehabilitation services. For more information, contact Holly Heights Nursing Home or a similar location.