Abdominal Pain In Your Child: When To Seek Medical Attention
As a concerned parent, you know that every bump, bruise, and pain does not require a call or visit to a children's doctor (pediatrician). The key is to know the difference between the times where bed rest and fluids will suffice and the times when professional medical treatment is necessary.
Once you know and understand these important differences, you will be able to provide you child with the best care possible for their tummy ailments:
Localized Abdominal Pain
The first sign, and probably the most important one, that you should take your child to the doctor is the presence of localized abdominal pain. This is particularly true of pain focused on the right side of the body.
If, for example, your young child is clutching their right side as they complain of a tummy ache or wince when you touch that region of their abdomen, you are likely dealing with acute appendicitis. Appendicitis is completely treatable. However, you should take your child to the doctor at the first sign of appendix pain (right side localized abdominal pain).
If you do not take them for treatment right away, you run the risk of their appendix bursting. So, if you pediatrician is open, head over there as soon as possible. Otherwise, you should head to the emergency room for care.
Abdominal Pain Is Severe and Prolonged
Children, just like adults, can experience stomach cramps from overeating, gas, or even physical over-exertion. This is relatively normal and these cramps, even severe ones should resolve themselves within thirty to forty-five minutes.
If your child experiences severe abdominal pain or cramping that lasts for more than an hour, this calls for a trip to the doctor. This prolonged severe pain could be indicative of any number of disorders including a ruptured organ such as the stomach or intestine, kidney stones, or an injury to abdominal muscles.
Abdominal Pain Accompanied With a Fever
Another possible indicator of appendicitis is abdominal pain that is accompanied with a fever. This fever may start out low-grade but can increase rapidly.
If you treat the fever with over-the-counter children's pain killers and it either does not react or comes back at the same level or higher, this is also a sign of trouble. In addition to appendicitis, this could be an indication of a gall bladder infection or other serious ailment.
Now that you know the surefire signs that you need to get your child to the doctor for abdominal pain, you will be able to ensure that they get the best and most appropriate care possible. As a proactive parent, you always want to do what is best for your child's health, and now you are best equipped to do so. For more information, contact a company like Pediatric And Young Adult Medicine with any questions or concerns you might have.