Learning More About Old Fashioned Nettle Hives And Their Causes
Often referred to as the 'old fashioned nettle hives, urticaria is a skin reaction that is usually caused by an allergic reaction. For some sufferers, pinpointing the cause of a skin reaction can be difficult. This is especially true for parents of children experiencing painful hives. Some reactions can be caused by allergens that may surprise you.
Important Details Every Parent Should Know About Food Allergies
Some common food allergies are caused by foods like milk, eggs, and shellfish. However, some foods contain dyes that can be the direct cause of urticaria. Yellow dye #5 and #6 are big reasons many children suffer with urticaria. Some kids also have allergic reactions to red dye #40 as well. These dyes are included in many processed foods, making it hard for parents to discern which foods are causing allergic reactions that result in painful, itchy hives. Thankfully, as of April 2013, food manufacturers are required by the Code of Regulations to add warning labels on foods containing yellow dyes.
Other, Little Known Causes Of Urticaria
Many children suffer with urticaria induced by stress. For example, children experiencing the fear of their first day of school have been known to break out in hives. Children going through stressful family circumstances have also been known to suffer with hives. For these reasons, exploring every reason a child could be breaking out, aside from allergens like foods and detergents, is extremely important.
Urticaria Hives Can Be A Side Effect Of Cold Viruses And Other Infections
Urticaria has been known to occur in children during and after cold viruses. While the reason hives occur in some children due to colds and flu is unknown, it has been found to be a significant trigger of outbreaks. Infections and hives have a relationship that seems related to autoimmune issues. Fortunately, in most children, the occurrence of urticaria goes away for good as they grow into their teens.
External Allergens Can Be The Cause Of Hives
Known allergens, like dust mites, can also create the symptoms of an allergic reaction, especially in children. The child that has been found to be allergic to pet dander might also experience hives as a result of direct exposure to an animal. In many children, exposure to high heat during the summer can also cause hive outbreaks. Some kids break out in hives if the heat is too high inside the home during winter as well.
If your child is breaking out in hives, visiting your pediatrician is important for learning more. Your pediatrician may refer you and your child to an allergist, a special type of doctor specializing in allergies. You might also be referred to a dermatologist, a skin doctor, like Stephen A Switlyk MD. Getting to the bottom of what is causing your child to experience painful hives can be challenging, but one of the most important steps you could take for ensuring his or her safety.